Volunteer for the SEDOL Foundation

Volunteer for SEDOL

Volunteers are vital to the success of the SEDOL Foundation. As the Foundation works to generate resources for children with disabilities, numerous opportunities to make a difference are available for members of the community.

Opportunities range in time commitment and skills required, and offer a wide variety of activities from which to choose. Whether your interest lies in board or committee membership, administrative tasks, golf outings, or children’s activities, there’s something for everyone!

No matter what activity you choose, giving a little of your time can make a real and positive difference in a child’s life.

Why Be a Volunteer for SEDOL Foundation?

When you help the SEDOL Foundation, your efforts go a long way.

You’ll be helping the SEDOL Foundation to serve the families and children who receive services from the Special Education District of Lake County (SEDOL). The district provides services to public school children in 31 school districts throughout Lake County, from age 3 to 22.

Volunteer efforts directly affect the children. The Foundation is a not-for-profit organization, so all money raised is used solely to provide adaptive equipment programs, projects, and services that the district cannot provide on its own.

Many of the families we serve have incomes of less than $35,000, so even small efforts have the potential to make a big difference in the lives of these families.

The Commitment

Volunteer opportunities are very flexible. You can get as involved as you want, from as little as one hour per year to several days per week. Depending on the activity, you can pick the times and often the location.

Whatever your interest, being a SEDOL Foundation volunteer does require a commitment. Our volunteers become part of planned and scheduled events. The success of these events is highly dependent on volunteers who take their responsibilities seriously.

You’ll Receive Far More Than You Give

There are few things in life as rewarding as helping a special needs child fulfill a dream. When you volunteer in support of the SEDOL Foundation, you’re helping to remove barriers and make the world brighter and more accessible for Lake County’s special needs children. It is within our power to enrich their lives with extraordinary gifts of communication, movement, freedom, and knowledge. The gift of your time can provide them with pathways to a fuller life.

To learn more about how you can help, please contact us.

Volunteer Opportunities

Board Committee Opportunities 

  • Clerical and Administrative Opportunities
  • Group Activities
  • Dinner Dance
  • Golf Outing

The SEDOL Foundation consists of various committees that are formed as needs arise (e.g., Finance Committee). Volunteer opportunities are limited to open member positions.

Clerical and Administrative Opportunities 

Clerical and administrative opportunities are very flexible and usually can be scheduled at your convenience. They might be performed at the SEDOL Foundation office, other selected sites, or in your home.

Opportunities include:
  • Data entry
  • Phone calls
  • Letter writing
  • Filing
  • Computer (e.g., text formatting, creative opportunities)
  • Errands (e.g., deliveries, pick-ups)

Group Activities 

Group activities are those that you coordinate with your corporation, church, club, or other organization. These include:

  • Drives (e.g., clothes, toys)
  • Landscaping (e.g., spreading woodchips, planting)
  • School maintenance (e.g., painting, cleaning, seasonal clean-up)

Dinner Dance

Every year on the second Saturday in March, the SEDOL Foundation hosts a Dinner Dance. This event is not only an important fundraiser, but an opportunity to celebrate major milestones, hear from key corporate sponsors, honor special people, and enjoy music, dancing, good food and good company! Volunteer opportunities occur during preparation for the event from October through March, and during the event itself. Time commitments vary from as little as one hour (e.g., to label brochures) to frequent meetings (e.g., to chair a committee).

Committees include:
  • Silent Auction
  • Decorations
  • Hospitality/Reception
  • Breakdown
  • Ad Book

Golf Outing

On the second Monday of each September, the SEDOL Foundation hosts another important fundraiser: a premier golf outing event that includes contests, on-course refreshments, an evening buffet of cocktails, and other surprises. Volunteer opportunities occur during preparation for the event, from June through September, and during the event itself. Time commitments vary from as little as one hour (e.g., to label brochures) to frequent meetings (e.g., to chair a committee).

Committees include:
  • Raffle
  • Event
  • Hole spotters
  • Beverage cart operators
  • Set-up/clean-up
  • Reception/check-in

Making Strides for Special Kids 5K Run/Walk

On the third Sunday of September, the SEDOL Foundation hosts Making Strides for Special Kids, a 5K Run/Walk and Kids’ 1 Mile Sprint to raise funds for special needs children and their families in Lake County, Illinois.

Committees include:
  • Event
  • Sponsorship
  • Set-up/clean-up
  • Raffle

One Special Night

Held in November, One Special Night for Very Special Kids is an evening of live music and entertainment while raising funds for programming and equipment for special needs children.

Committees include:
  • Super Silent Auction
  • Raffle
  • Sponsorship
  • Decorations
  • Hospitality/Reception
  • Set-up/clean-up

Pucks for Autism

Taking place in June, Pucks for Autism is an annual adult hockey tournament that raises awareness and funding for children and young adults impacted by autism.

Committees include:
  • Volunteer Score Keepers
  • Raffle
  • Sponsorship
Ping Pong for the Kids is approaching fast! Download the Flyer and RSVP Today!View Flyer